Monday, September 04, 2006

Capoeira - Brazil

The Place: Rio de Janeiro is home to Mestre Celso of my London capoeira group (run by Prof. Rodrigo). It's also home to Mestre Hulk and Mestre King who attended the London Batizado in May this year.

The Capoeira: Met Mestre Hulk for some capoeira lessons. Working as a phys ed coach at a school for the handicapped (I fitted in so well there), he was kind enough to give me some coaching for an entire day (9 - 5) in between which I played basketball with some of the kids.

They had a party there which I went back for two days later. Met some of the other mestre´s (Mestre Franho and Contramestre Chicote) and we did a capoeira demo for the school.

Went for a 3rd capoeira session outdoors with Mestre Hulk, this time in a really poor area (Gamboa) about an hour busride from Copacabana where he works (Vila Olympica). Met another experienced capoeirista André Luiz Lacé Lopes(68 yrs) whose written 4 books and numerous articles about capoeira. Apparently he chose the capoeira name for Mestre Celso. Was lucky to be given one of his periodicals signed by him. Heard gunshots from the favela next to the sport centre.

Went and joined a jogo de capoeira on Ipanema beach where I met Mestre King. It was a great beach day and a well-attended roda. Loads of kids played aswell, all of whom were brilliant. They played some maculele aswell and danced a bit of samba. Definitely worth seeing capoeira Brazilian style!

Met Mestre Celso in Cachambi (bout an hr from my hostel) where I was lucky to have a lesson and play lots of capoeira. Went together with Mestre Celso and 2 students (Elton and Luiza) to one of Mestre King´s festa´s on saturday where we watched their group play and two students get graded. Witnessed some gravity-defying moves! Ta bom!

Strange observation: It´s amazing that at 66 Mestre Celso still showed me 3 consecutive Meia Lua kicks! A Meia Lua is a quick round kick where you spin, kicking, with one hand on the ground and your head continuously watching the front underneath the kicking leg.

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