Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lovebox Festival - London

The Event: In East London went to check out Saturdays Line up at the Lovebox Festival.
Some Features: Amongst alot of cool and wierd things going on around the festival enjoyed watching some pro skaters and BMX's on a 13.5 ft ramp.
Of the bands really enjoyed The Black Seeds, Groove Armada and, being by far the best concert I've seen, MANU CHAO!! Manu Chao were awesome - loads of energy and the crowd was going mad for them, lots of fun!

Getting Dirty - England

The Event: As part of our 'helping hands' initiative at work, spent a day in Three Bridges cutting down invading birchwood and bracken to restore the natural heath. Nothing like a good day of physical labour!

Brighton - England

The Place: In South East England close to the cliffs of Dover lies the arty town of Brighton.
Some features: Loads of musos and artists roam the streets busking or showing off their creations. Funky cafe's and juice bars, some with wierd names (Wai Kika Mu Kao). Fun fair sitting at the end of a peer. Pebble beaches??.