Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Nasca - Peru

The Place: On a strip called 'The Pampa' in Nasca you can find massive drawings etched into the dry sand dating back to 400BC. So is this proof of alien landings?

Some theories: Well Nasca has not had significant rainfall since the ice age. Ít´s principal source of water is from the distant mountains. The nascans developed some underground aqueduct systems to collect water. Amongst the nasca lines you find pictures including monkey, humming bird, condor, hands, tree, parrot, astronaut, dog, and spider. Whats wierd is that you´d only really be able to see the pictures from the sky. Whats more amazing is the geometric lines forming undeciphered patterns stretching kilometres in length. One theory is that the patterns all point to the mountains or to models of the mountains (the water source). The nascans would walk these line as a ritual to ask the gods for water. Stepping outside of the lines could mean more droughts. The pictures are believed to be part of shamanism and each animal has a different meaning. Evidence supporting this comes from the art on pottery found in the region. Another theory is that the lines are a map of the shaman out of body journeys. Another theory - it forms a calender. Either way these massive artworks are impressive to look at and have remained in existence due to the dryness of the region. Access is not allowed onto 'The Pampa' since footprints and tyre tracks stay there for 100's of years.

Strange experience: The bus trip to Nasca was 16 hours. I took a local bus so had people on the floor next to me. On my left a man and his 7 yr old girl who was puking. On my right (across the aisle) a lady with 2 kids, one of whom she had to change the nappy. All peruvians speaking casitilian (S American spanish). Had a basic spanish chat with the dude next to me. heh heh.

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