Saturday, August 12, 2006

Cruz del Condor - Peru

The Place: In the Colca canyon (the deepest canyon in the world if you were to add the height of the mountain with the depth of the canyon). Roughly 6000m.

The feature: Considered to be the messenger from the heavens to earth, the condor was respected as a god by the Incans. With a wing span of 3.5 m, body length of 1.5m and weight of 15kg´s, the condor is an incredible sight.

It´s a bird of prey (in the family of vultures) and doesn´t flap it´s wings but uses natural air currents to soar. As such, flying at a height of roughly 4000m in the Colca canyon is ideal for them.

Seeing these birds was spectacular. They flew over our heads as well as in the canyon below in numbers of sometimes more than 5 at a time.

1 comment:

Bast said...

Hey Brendan
those pictures are stunning! You must have a fantastic ccamera to get such awesome close-ups. Reminds me of a cartoon I loved as a kid called Eldorado. Have a fun time in the amazon.